
Configuration of useful tools

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Docker Toolbox


First Time

  • Delete ~/.docker (Except ~/.docker/machine/cache/boot2docker.iso)
  • Close VirtualBox, Delete .VirtualBox, Open and Close it again
  • Create a VM > docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
  • See how to configure the shell > docker-machine env default
  • Login to the VM > docker-machine ssh default
  • Credentials
    • default password: tcuser
    • Use ssh keys
        > cp $HOME/.docker/machine/machines/default/ $HOME/.ssh/
        > cp $HOME/.docker/machine/machines/default/id_rsa $HOME/.ssh/

Folders keep intact after a reboot of the VM

  • /var/lib/docker
  • /var/lib/boot2docker

How To Add Bash to the VM

boot2docker is based on Tiny Core Linux. Login to the VM:

  • Load bash with tce without install > tce-load -w bash.tcz
  • Files are downloaded in /tmp/tce/optional
  • Archive the files ```sh

    cd /tmp/tce/optional tar -cf /var/lib/boot2docker/tce.tar *

Install bash after the boot of the VM,  in `/var/lib/boot2docker/` add

> tar -xf /var/lib/boot2docker/tce.tar -C /tmp/tce/optional/
> su - docker -c "tce-load -i bash.tcz"

> ln -s /var/lib/boot2docker/rsub /usr/local/bin/rsub

Check the installation > la /usr/local/tce.installed

Backup tce.tar if the VM is recreated > scp docker@ip:/var/lib/boot2docker/tce.tar .

Edit VM files remotely using Sublime Text

Download rmate

> cd /var/lib/boot2docker
> sudo wget -O rsub
> sudo chmod a+x rsub

Install rsub after the boot of the VM, in /var/lib/boot2docker/ add

> ln -s /var/lib/boot2docker/rsub /usr/local/bin/rsub

Backup rsub if the VM is recreated > scp docker@ip:/var/lib/boot2docker/rsub .
