
Configuration of useful tools

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Cmder - Portable console emulator for Windows


  • Download Cmder (mini) (v1.3.4)
  • Copy exe to %TOOLS%\cmder_mini\
  • Add environment variables %CMDER_ROOT% = %TOOLS%\cmder_mini
  • Change to a powerline prompt
    • Download powerline-fonts to %CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\powerline-fonts
    • Open %CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\powerline-fonts\Hack\Hack-Regular.ttf
    • Click on Install to install it on the system
    • Download the last version of powerline_prompt.lua file, and place it in %CMDER_ROOT%\config folder
      • Replace prompt = "\x1b[37;44m{cwd} {git}{hg}\n\x1b[1;30;40m{lamb} \x1b[0m"
      • By prompt = "\x1b[37;44m{cwd} {git}{hg}\n\x1b[1;39;40m{lamb} \x1b[0m"
    • Restart Cmder
    • Change the alternative font to Hack in the Mainsettings
    • Add to Unicode ranges: E0A0; E0B0;
    • Register Cmder in admin mode with cmder.exe /REGISTER ALL for a shell integration
    • Update shell integration with the script CmderHere.reg

Advanced Configuration stored in Sublime Text

mklink %CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-aliases.cmd %SUBL_ROOT%\Data\Packages\User\Resources\Windows\HOME\user-aliases.cmd
mklink %CMDER_ROOT%\config\powerline_prompt.lua %SUBL_ROOT%\Data\Packages\User\Resources\Windows\HOME\powerline_prompt.lua


  • Edit %CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-aliases.cmd to add some aliases


  • Main > Size & Pos

☑ Auto save window size and position on exit

☑ Snap to desktop edges


  • Main > Appearance

☑ Single instance mode

  • Keys & Macro
Type Hotkey Description
Global Ctrl+² Minimize/Restore (Quake-style hotkey also)
User Ctrl+Shift+T Create new console (after ‘Create confirmation’)
User Ctrl+F Find text in active console
User Move active tab leftward
User Move active tab rightward
Macro12 Win+Alt+Left Tab(4, -1); Tab(1);
Macro13 Win+Alt+Right Tab(4, 1); Tab(1);
Macro14 Ctrl+, Settings dialog: Settings()
Task Ctrl+T {cmd::mingw64}


  • Startup > Tasks

    • Create a new task bash::mingw64
    • /icon "%CMDER_ROOT%\icons\cmder.ico"
    • cmd /k "%ConEmuDir%\..\init.bat & cd %HOME% & bash" -new_console


Integrate Cmder to Sublime Text

This is performed with the package Terminal configured in Sublime Text with the batch Terminal.cmd

PortableApps - Cmder

A skeleton for PortableApps is found there

Integrate Cmder and Sublime Text seamlessly


  • Download a portable version of Sublime Text 3 from their website
  • Extract to %CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\SublimeText
  • Use sub to use Sublime Text integrated to Cmder or subl to use the general one.

Sublime Text 3 - Settings

  • View > Hide Menu
  • View > Hide Tabs
  • Open Preferences > Settings - User
// Settings in here override those in "Default/Preferences.sublime-settings",
// and are overridden in turn by file type specific settings.
    "close_windows_when_empty": true,
    "hot_exit": false,
    "remember_open_files": false


  • Backup folder to %TOOLS%\cmder_mini_bak\
  • Extract the new exe to %TOOLS%\cmder_mini\
  • > copy %TOOLS%\cmder_mini_bak\config\user-aliases.cmd %TOOLS%\cmder_mini\config\user-aliases.cmd
  • > copy %TOOLS%\cmder_mini_bak\config\powerline_prompt.lua %TOOLS%\cmder_mini\config\powerline_prompt.lua
  • > echo d | xcopy %TOOLS%\cmder_mini_bak\vendor\SublimeText %TOOLS%\cmder_mini\vendor\SublimeText /e
  • Apply the settings